Re: Feedback please for Font Business course/seminars
In my experience with lawyers, much depends on how you phrase a question. If you ask, ‘Can I do this thing?’ or ‘Should I do this thing?’, they will focus on the risks of doing it at all. If you inst…3 -
Re: Feedback please for Font Business course/seminars
It’s also worth noting that the rationale for anti-trust laws is to benefit consumers by maintaining competition in the market place. Helping independent creative makers understand pricing is not con…5 -
Re: Suggest modulated sans serif
Skeena?4 -
Re: Pricing: Client requests an expansion to one of my typefaces
My advice is always to calculate work and rights separately. The pricing of work should be based on the actual amount of time you anticipate spending, and based on rates that realistically support yo…3 -
Re: The Evolution of Font Weight Terminology: A Historical Question
I recall ‘Book’ weight being discussed previously on TypeDrawers. There is no technical specification for this term. It isn’t included in the named usWeightClass values of the OS/2 table specificatio…5